6.6 Black–Scholes Pricing Formulas

Black and Scholes (1973) successfully solved their differential equation in Eq. (6.17) to obtain exact formulas for the price of European call-and-put options. In what follows, we derive these formulas using what is called risk-neutral valuation in finance.

6.6.1 Risk-Neutral World

The drift parameter μ drops out from the Black–Scholes differential equation. In finance, this means the equation is independent of risk preferences. In other words, risk preferences cannot affect the solution of the equation. A nice consequence of this property is that one can assume that investors are risk neutral. In a risk-neutral world, we have the following results:

  • The expected return on all securities is the risk-free interest rate r.
  • The present value of any cash flow can be obtained by discounting its expected value at the risk-free rate.

6.6.2 Formulas

The expected value of a European call option at maturity in a risk-neutral world is


where E* denotes expected value in a risk-neutral world. The price of the call option at time t is

(6.18) 6.18

Yet in a risk-neutral world, we have μ = r, and by Eq. (6.10), ln(PT) is normally distributed as


Let g(PT) be the probability ...

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