Let A(x) and B(x) be two field elements in the finite field GF(2m), where m is an integer that typically has the values 163, 233, 283, 409, or 571. The two elements A(x) and B(x) can be written as the order m − 1 polynomials

(17.1) c17e001

(17.2) c17e002

where a(i) and b(i) could have the values 0 or 1.

The elements of the finite field are generated by a primitive polynomial R(x) of order m,

(17.3) c17e003

where r(m) must have the value r(m) = 1, and we can express the above equation as the sum

(17.4) c17e004

where f (x) is a polynomial of order m − 1.

The product of the field elements A(x) and B(x) is written as

(17.5) c17e005

We can evaluate the above double summation as

(17.6) c17e006

The above equation can be evaluated using the so-called “left-to-right shift-and-add” field multiplication method [110]. This algorithm is shown as follows:

Algorithm =17.1

Left-to-right ...

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