
+ (addition operator), 46

& (ampersand), accelerator keys, 294

’ (apostrophe)

comments, 13, 342

For...Next loops, 103

= (assignment operator), 45

_ (code continuation character), 56

& (concatenation operator), 46–47

/ (division operator), 46

= (equal to) operator, 47

^ (exponentiation operator), 46

> (greater than) operator, 47

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 47

\ (integer division operator), 46

< (less than) operator, 47

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 47

* (multiplication operator), 46

- (negation operator), 46

<> (not equal to) operator, 47

() parentheses

arguments, 68

macros, 13

nesting, 51

# (pound sign), date expressions, 58

[] square brackets, 26–28

- (subtraction operator), 46

_ (underscore), 11


Abs math function, ...

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