Chapter 6. Making Sense of It: Sensory Acuity



To increase awareness of subtle physical cues through heightened sensory acuity. Participants will make observations of bodily reactions based on true or false responses to questions.

Time Required

Approximately 20 to 30 minutes

Group Size

Any number of pairs


  • One copy of the Making Sense of It Instruction Sheet for each pair of participants


  1. Introduce the session by stating that sensory acuity can increase awareness of the subtle nuances in physical reactions that occur as we interact with others.

  2. Instruct the participants to form pairs. Ask the pairs to introduce themselves and provide some basic personal information—for example, where they were born, marital status, children, pets, and so forth.

  3. Distribute one copy of the instruction sheet to one member of each pair and ask them to read the instructions to Part A.

  4. Tell the pairs to begin. Allow approximately 5 minutes for the partners to complete Part A of the instructions.

  5. Ask the partner with the instruction sheet to read Part B and then have the pairs begin the task.

  6. Allow approximately 5 minutes for the partners to complete Part B and then ask them to stop.

  7. Facilitate a discussion with the large group by asking the following questions:

    For questioners, what were some of the ...

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