


The class TestSetUp (see Figure C-29) is a subclass of TestDecorator that implements setUp( ) and tearDown( ) methods for the decorated Test. This allows the Test object’s test fixture behavior to be modified without subclassing it.

TestSetUp belongs to the namespace CppUnit. It is declared in the file extensions/TestSetUp.h and implemented in the file TestSetUp.cpp.

The class TestSetUp
Figure C-29. The class TestSetUp


class TestSetUp : public TestDecorator


TestSetUp(Test *test)

A constructor taking the Test to decorate.

Public Methods

void run(TestResult *result)

Calls setUp( ), runs the decorated Test, and calls tearDown( ).

Protected/Private Methods

virtual void setUp( )

A Protected method called prior to running the decorated Test, allowing custom test fixture behavior to be implemented.

virtual void tearDown( )

A Protected method called after running the decorated Test, allowing the test fixture to be cleaned up.

TestSetUp(const TestSetUp &)

A copy constructor declared private to prevent its use.

void operator=(const TestSetUp &)

A copy operator declared private to prevent its use.



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