Component Instance: dnsrv

The dnsrv component, described by the configuration XML shown in Example 4-16 and shown in diagram form in Figure 4-12, provides routing logic and name resolution for packets that are destined for a nonlocal component, in other words, for a component that is running on another Jabber server.[7]

Diagram view of dnsrv component instance
Figure 4-12. Diagram view of dnsrv component instance
Example 4-16. jabber.xml configuration for the dnsrv component instance

<service id="dnsrv">



  <dnsrv xmlns="jabber:config:dnsrv">
  	<resend service="_jabber._tcp">s2s</resend>


Once started, the component forks to spawn a child process that services the actual name resolution requests and the route determination. The component and its child communicate with a simple XML stream within which hostnames are passed to the child process in a “query” tag:


and answers are passed back in the form of attribute additions to the original query tag:

<host ip='' to='s2s'></host>

[7] Or, for example, on a server offering another IM service (this is planned for the future).

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