Converting IP Addresses

Before we jump into log-file analysis, let’s return briefly to the problem of doing hostname lookups on the IP addresses that most likely comprise the “host” entries in our web access logs. Example 8-1 gives a script, clf_lookup.plx , that does just that. (Like all the examples in this book, it is available for download from the book’s web site, at

Example 8-1. A script to do hostname lookups on IP addresses in web access logs

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# clf_lookup.plx

# given common or extended-format web logs on STDIN, outputs 
# them with numeric IP addresses in the first (host) field converted 
# to hostnames (where possible).

use strict;
use Socket;

my %hostname;

while (<>) {
    my $line = $_;
    my($host, $rest) = split / /, $line, 2;
    if ($host =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
        # looks vaguely like an IP address
        unless (exists $hostname{$host}) {
            # no key, so haven't processed this IP before
            $hostname{$host} = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($host), AF_INET);
        if ($hostname{$host}) {
            # only processes IPs with successful lookups
            $line = "$hostname{$host} $rest";
    print $line;

The script itself is pretty simple, but it introduces some new concepts that are definitely worth learning about. The first new thing is this line:

use Socket;

Here we are importing a module called . Just as we did earlier, when we pulled in the module, we’re doing this in order to let some more experienced programmers do our dirty work for us. Specifically, ...

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