
createfolders (shown in Example A-2 ) is a Tcl script that was used in Chapter 9 to create empty Cyrus mailboxes. It takes bsd2cyrus ’s output as input. bsd2cyrus ’s output contains the username, the pathname to a Berkeley-style mail folder, and its mapping into the Cyrus namespace (i.e., the Cyrus mailbox name), but createfolders uses only the Cyrus mailbox name.

Example A-2. createfolders

#!/usr/local/bin/cyradm -file
set inputfile [lindex $argv 0]

eval cyradm connect cyr_conn localhost imap
puts stdout "Connected to IMAP server. Authenticating..."

if [catch {eval cyr_conn authenticate -pwcommand {{
    set adminid "cyrus"
    set adminpw "xxxxxxxx"
    list $adminid $adminpw
}} } result ] {
    puts stderr "$result (cleartext)"
    return -code error $result
} else {
    puts "Authentication successful."

## $inputfile is a text file containing username, path to
## Berkeley format folder, and corresponding Cyrus mailbox

if [catch {open $inputfile r} fileId] {
    puts stderr "Error: cannot open $inputfile"
} else {

    while {[gets $fileId line] >= 0} {

        ## The Cyrus mailbox is the second field in the input 
        ## line (arrays are indexed starting with 0).

        set mailbox [lindex [split $line ":"] 1]

        if [catch {cyr_conn createmailbox $mailbox} result] {
            puts stderr $result
        } else {
            puts "Created mailbox $mailbox"

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