
Package net.jxta.peer


This package contains classes that deal with the JXTA peer information service, which is a core service; all peergroups have an implementation of this service. The peer information service allows you to retrieve information about peers within the peergroup; the information retrieved is a structured document that contains elements representing the peer’s credentials, peer ID, the peer’s advertisement, and some other miscellaneous values.

The process of retrieving peer information is essentially the same as discovering a peer: you query the peer information service for locally cached peer information and for remote peer information. The remote queries are asynchronous: you can either give the remote query a peer information listener so you can be notified when peers are located, or you can check the local cache at a later time to see which peers were found.

Although peers are central to JXTA, note that there is no class that represents a peer, nor any actions that you can perform on a peer. The peer information document is read-only. The class hierarchy for this package is shown in Figure 9-10.

The net.jxta.peer package

Figure 9-10. The net.jxta.peer package


public interface PeerInfoService extends net.jxta.service.Service;


public class PeerInfoEvent extends java.util.EventObject;

Event Listeners

public interface PeerInfoListener extends java.util.EventListener; ...

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