
By default, JDBC’s auto-commit feature is on, which means that each SQL statement is committed as it is executed. If more than one SQL statement is executed by your program, then a small performance increase can be achieved by turning off auto-commit.

Let’s take a look at some numbers. Table 19-1 shows the average time, in milliseconds, needed to insert 1,000 rows into the TESTXXXPERF table using a Statement object. The timings represent the average from three runs of the program. Both drivers experience approximately a one-second loss as overhead for committing between each SQL statement. When you divide that one second by 1,000 inserts, you can see that turning off auto-commit saves approximately 0.001 seconds (1 millisecond) per SQL statement. While that’s not interesting enough to write home about, it does demonstrate how auto-commit can impact performance.

Table 19-1. Auto-commit timings (in milliseconds)










Clearly, it’s more important to turn off auto-commit for managing multistep transactions than for gaining performance. But on a heavily loaded system where many users are committing transactions, the amount of time it takes to perform commits can become quite significant. So my recommendation is to turn off auto-commit and manage your transactions manually. The rest of the tests in this chapter are performed with auto-commit turned off.

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