
Example 5.6 is an improved version of the URLViewer you first encountered in Chapter 2. This is a simple application that provides a window in which you can view the contents of a URL. It assumes that those contents are more or less ASCII text. (In future chapters, I’ll remove that restriction.) Figure 5.1 shows the result. Our application has a text area in which the user can type a URL, a Load button that the user uses to load the specified URL, and a StreamedTextArea component that displays the text from the URL. Each of these corresponds to a field in the URLViewer class.

The URLViewer

Figure 5-1. The URLViewer

Example 5-6. The URLViewer Program

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import com.macfaq.awt.*; import com.macfaq.io.*; public class URLViewer extends Frame implements WindowListener, ActionListener { TextField theURL = new TextField(); Button loadButton = new Button("Load"); StreamedTextArea theDisplay = new StreamedTextArea(); public URLViewer() { super("URL Viewer"); } public void init() { this.add("North", theURL); this.add("Center", theDisplay); Panel south = new Panel(); south.add(loadButton); this.add("South", south); theURL.addActionListener(this); loadButton.addActionListener(this); this.addWindowListener(this); this.setLocation(50, 50); this.pack(); this.show(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { try { URL ...

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