Live Auctions

Anyone can bid at eBay Live Auctions, but not just anyone can sell. You have to be a licensed auctioneer (or someone who's paying a licensed auctioneer to control the bidding at your real-time auction). If that's you, you can apply to sell on eBay Live Auctions by going to and choosing "Sign up as a seller" → "eBay Live Auctions application form." When you do, the eBay Live Auctions form shown in Figure 8-12 appears.


To find an auctioneer, or if you're interested in becoming one, check out the info at the National Auctioneers Association at

The application form for becoming a Live Auctions seller is straightforward. You need to supply your business name and logo, contact information, and the categories you want to sell in. Only licensed auction houses (or those using their services) can sell through Live Auctions.

Figure 8-12. The application form for becoming a Live Auctions seller is straightforward. You need to supply your business name and logo, contact information, and the categories you want to sell in. Only licensed auction houses (or those using their services) can sell through Live Auctions.

Once you've registered, eBay lets you post your auction catalog on the site, but it's pricey: $1,500 to list up to 10,000 lots. Live auctions are subject to a Final Value Fee of 5 percent of the selling price, although this fee applies only if an Internet bidder wins the lot.


Buyer's premiums, an additional fee that buyers pay on top of their final bid, are standard at most auction houses. Similarly, most Live Auction sellers charge a buyer's premium of 15 percent to 20 percent. ...

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