Memory Accessing Operators

The operators in Table 1-14 are used to access objects in memory. The terms used here, such as pointer, array, structure, etc., are introduced later under Section 1.10.

Table 1-14. Memory accessing operators






Address of


A constant pointer to x




The object (or function) pointed to by p

[ ]

Array element


*(x+i), the element with index i in the array x


Member of a structure or union


The member named x in the structure or union s


Member of a structure or union


The member named x in the structure or union pointed to by p

The operand of the address operator & must be an expression that designates a function or an object. The address operator & yields the address of its operand. Thus an expression of the form &x is a pointer to x. The operand of & must not be a bit-field, nor a variable declared with the storage class specifier register.

The indirection operator * is used to access an object or a function through a pointer. If ptr is a pointer to an object or function, then *ptr designates the object or function pointed to by ptr. For example:

int  a, *pa;  // An int variable and a pointer to int. 

pa  = &a;     // Let pa point to a. 
*pa = 123;    // Now equivalent to  a = 123;

The subscript operator [] can be used to address the elements of an array. If v is an array and i is an integer, then v[i] denotes the element with index i in the array. In more general ...

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