20.3. Dumps captured by WBI message broker

A WebSphere MQ Integrator for z/OS broker or User Name Server produces different types of dumps depending on where the original error occurs:

SVC dumpsThese are produced for errors in the WebSphere MQ Integrator for z/OS Infrastructure main program (bipimain).
Core dumpsThese are produced for errors in the broker or User Name Server executables (bipservice, bipbroker, DataFlowEngine, and bipuns).

Core dumps are SYSMDUMP dumps and are written to the started task’s user directory. The name is coredump.pid, where pid is the hexadecimal value of the process ID of the process that encountered the error.

The maximum size of a core dump is defined through MAXCORESIZE in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. The IBM-supplied ...

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