File Stability

It is quite common to poll a directory for changes and then do something “interesting” with new files. But as one process is writing to a file, other processes have no idea when the file has been fully written. One solution is to add a second “indicator” file that we create after creating the first file. This is intrusive, however.

There is a neater way, which is to detect when a file is “stable” (i.e., no one is writing to it any longer). FileMQ does this by checking the modification time of the file. If it’s more than a second old, then the file is considered stable—at least, stable enough to be shipped off to clients. If a process comes along after five minutes and appends to the file, it’ll be shipped off again.

For this to work, and this is a requirement for any application hoping to use FileMQ successfully, do not buffer more than a second’s worth of data in memory before writing. If you use very large block sizes, the file may look stable when it’s not.

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