Patch Requirements

In this section, we define the obligations of the contributor: specifically, what constitutes a “valid” patch, so that maintainers have rules they can use to accept or reject patches.

Maintainers and Contributors MUST have a Platform account and SHOULD use their real names or a well-known alias.

In the worst-case scenario, where someone has submitted toxic code (patented, or owned by someone else), we need to be able to trace who and when, so we can remove the code. Asking for real names or a well-known alias is a theoretical strategy for reducing the risk of bogus patches. We don’t know if this actually works because we haven’t had the problem yet.

A patch SHOULD be a minimal and accurate answer to exactly one identified and agreed problem.

This implements the Simplicity Oriented Design process that I’ll come to later in this chapter. One clear problem, one minimal solution: apply, test, and repeat.

A patch MUST adhere to the code style guidelines of the project if these are defined.

This is just sanity. I’ve spent time cleaning up other peoples’ patches because they insisted on putting the “else” beside the “if” instead of just below, as Nature intended. Consistent code is healthier.

A patch MUST adhere to the “Evolution of Public Contracts” guidelines defined below.

Ah, the pain, the pain. I’m not speaking of the time at age eight when I stepped on a plank with a 4-inch nail protruding from it. That was relatively OK. I’m speaking of 2010–2011, ...

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