Service-Oriented Reliable Queuing (Majordomo Pattern)

The nice thing about progress is how fast it happens when lawyers and committees aren’t involved. Just a few sentences ago, we were dreaming of a better protocol that would fix the world. And here we have it: the Majordomo Protocol.

This one-page specification turns PPP into something more solid (Figure 4-4). This is how we should design complex architectures: start by writing down the contracts, and only then write software to implement them.

The Majordomo pattern

Figure 4-4. The Majordomo pattern

The Majordomo Protocol (MDP) extends and improves on PPP in one interesting way: it adds a “service name” to requests that the client sends, and asks workers to register for specific services. Adding service names turns our Paranoid Pirate queue into a service-oriented broker. The nice thing about MDP is that it came out of working code, a simpler ancestor protocol (PPP), and a precise set of improvements. This made it easy to draft.

To implement Majordomo, we need to write a framework for clients and workers. It’s really not sane to ask every application developer to read the spec and make it work, when they could be using a simpler API built and tested just once.

So while our first contract (MDP itself) defines how the pieces of our distributed architecture talk to each other, our second contract defines how user applications talk to the technical framework we’re going to design.

Majordomo has two halves, a client side and a worker side. Since we’ll write both client and worker applications, we will need two APIs. Here is a sketch for the client API, using a simple object-oriented approach:

mdcli_t *mdcli_new     (char *broker);
void     mdcli_destroy (mdcli_t **self_p);
zmsg_t  *mdcli_send    (mdcli_t *self, char *service, zmsg_t **request_p);

That’s it. We open a session to the broker, send a request message, get a reply message back, and eventually close the connection. Here’s a sketch for the worker API:

mdwrk_t *mdwrk_new     (char *broker,char *service);
void     mdwrk_destroy (mdwrk_t **self_p);
zmsg_t  *mdwrk_recv    (mdwrk_t *self, zmsg_t *reply);

It’s more or less symmetrical, but the worker dialog is a little different. The first time a worker does a recv(), it passes a null reply. Thereafter, it passes the current reply and gets a new request.

The client and worker APIs were fairly simple to construct because they’re heavily based on the Paranoid Pirate code we already developed. The client API is shown in Example 4-18.

Example 4-18. Majordomo client API (mdcliapi.c)

/*  =====================================================================
 *  mdcliapi.c - Majordomo Protocol Client API
 *  Implements the MDP/Worker spec at
 *  ===================================================================== */

#include "mdcliapi.h"

//  Structure of our class
//  We access these properties only via class methods

struct _mdcli_t {
    zctx_t *ctx;                //  Our context
    char *broker;
    void *client;               //  Socket to broker
    int verbose;                //  Print activity to stdout
    int timeout;                //  Request timeout
    int retries;                //  Request retries

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect or reconnect to broker

void s_mdcli_connect_to_broker (mdcli_t *self)
    if (self->client)
        zsocket_destroy (self->ctx, self->client);
    self->client = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_REQ);
    zmq_connect (self->client, self->broker);
    if (self->verbose)
        zclock_log ("I: connecting to broker at %s...", self->broker);

Example 4-19 presents the constructor and destructor for our mdcli class.

Example 4-19. Majordomo client API (mdcliapi.c): constructor and destructor

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Constructor

mdcli_t *
mdcli_new (char *broker, int verbose)
    assert (broker);

    mdcli_t *self = (mdcli_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (mdcli_t));
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    self->broker = strdup (broker);
    self->verbose = verbose;
    self->timeout = 2500;           //  msec
    self->retries = 3;              //  Before we abandon

    s_mdcli_connect_to_broker (self);
    return self;

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Destructor

mdcli_destroy (mdcli_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        mdcli_t *self = *self_p;
        zctx_destroy (&self->ctx);
        free (self->broker);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;

These are the class methods. We can set the request timeout and number of retry attempts before sending requests, as shown in Example 4-20.

Example 4-20. Majordomo client API (mdcliapi.c): configure retry behavior

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Set request timeout

mdcli_set_timeout (mdcli_t *self, int timeout)
    assert (self);
    self->timeout = timeout;

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Set request retries

mdcli_set_retries (mdcli_t *self, int retries)
    assert (self);
    self->retries = retries;

Example 4-21 and 4-22 show the send method. It sends a request to the broker and gets a reply even if it has to retry several times. It takes ownership of the request message, and destroys it when sent. It returns the reply message, or NULL if there was no reply after multiple attempts.

Example 4-21. Majordomo client API (mdcliapi.c): send request and wait for reply

zmsg_t *
mdcli_send (mdcli_t *self, char *service, zmsg_t **request_p)
    assert (self);
    assert (request_p);
    zmsg_t *request = *request_p;

    //  Prefix request with protocol frames
    //  Frame 1: "MDPCxy" (six bytes, MDP/Client x.y)
    //  Frame 2: Service name (printable string)
    zmsg_pushstr (request, service);
    zmsg_pushstr (request, MDPC_CLIENT);
    if (self->verbose) {
        zclock_log ("I: send request to '%s' service:", service);
        zmsg_dump (request);
    int retries_left = self->retries;
    while (retries_left && !zctx_interrupted) {
        zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_dup (request);
        zmsg_send (&msg, self->client);

        zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
            { self->client, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }

On any blocking call, libzmq will return -1 if there was an error. We could in theory check for different error codes, but in practice it’s okay to assume it was EINTR (Ctrl-C). The body of our send method is shown in Example 4-22.

Example 4-22. Majordomo client API (mdcliapi.c): body of send

        int rc = zmq_poll (items, 1, self->timeout * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC);
        if (rc == -1)
            break;          //  Interrupted

        //  If we got a reply, process it
        if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (self->client);
            if (self->verbose) {
                zclock_log ("I: received reply:");
                zmsg_dump (msg);
            //  We would handle malformed replies better in real code
            assert (zmsg_size (msg) >= 3);

            zframe_t *header = zmsg_pop (msg);
            assert (zframe_streq (header, MDPC_CLIENT));
            zframe_destroy (&header);

            zframe_t *reply_service = zmsg_pop (msg);
            assert (zframe_streq (reply_service, service));
            zframe_destroy (&reply_service);

            zmsg_destroy (&request);
            return msg;     //  Success
        if (--retries_left) {
            if (self->verbose)
                zclock_log ("W: no reply, reconnecting...");
            s_mdcli_connect_to_broker (self);
        else {
            if (self->verbose)
                zclock_log ("W: permanent error, abandoning");
            break;          //  Give up
    if (zctx_interrupted)
        printf ("W: interrupt received, killing client...\n");
    zmsg_destroy (&request);
    return NULL;

Let’s see how the client API looks in action, with an example test program (Example 4-23) that does 100K request-reply cycles.

Example 4-23. Majordomo client application (mdclient.c)

//  Majordomo Protocol client example
//  Uses the mdcli API to hide all MDP aspects

//  Lets us build this source without creating a library
#include "mdcliapi.c"

int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));
    mdcli_t *session = mdcli_new ("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);

    int count;
    for (count = 0; count < 100000; count++) {
        zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_pushstr (request, "Hello world");
        zmsg_t *reply = mdcli_send (session, "echo", &request);
        if (reply)
            zmsg_destroy (&reply);
            break;              //  Interrupt or failure
    printf ("%d requests/replies processed\n", count);
    mdcli_destroy (&session);
    return 0;

The worker API is presented in Example 4-24 through 4-30.

Example 4-24. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c)

/*  =====================================================================
 *  mdwrkapi.c - Majordomo Protocol Worker API
 *  Implements the MDP/Worker spec at
 *  ===================================================================== */

#include "mdwrkapi.h"

//  Reliability parameters
#define HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS  3       //  3-5 is reasonable

Example 4-25 shows is the structure of a worker API instance. We use a pseudo object-oriented approach in a lot of the C examples, as well as the CZMQ binding.

Example 4-25. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): worker class structure

//  Structure of our class
//  We access these properties only via class methods

struct _mdwrk_t {
    zctx_t *ctx;                //  Our context
    char *broker;
    char *service;
    void *worker;               //  Socket to broker
    int verbose;                //  Print activity to stdout

    //  Heartbeat management
    uint64_t heartbeat_at;      //  When to send HEARTBEAT
    size_t liveness;            //  How many attempts left
    int heartbeat;              //  Heartbeat delay, in msec
    int reconnect;              //  Reconnect delay, in msec

    int expect_reply;           //  Zero only at start
    zframe_t *reply_to;         //  Return identity, if any

We have two utility functions, to send a message to the broker and to (re)connect to the broker, as you can see in Example 4-26.

Example 4-26. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): utility functions

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Send message to broker
//  If no msg is provided, creates one internally

static void
s_mdwrk_send_to_broker (mdwrk_t *self, char *command, char *option,
                        zmsg_t *msg)
    msg = msg? zmsg_dup (msg): zmsg_new ();

    //  Stack protocol envelope to start of message
    if (option)
        zmsg_pushstr (msg, option);
    zmsg_pushstr (msg, command);
    zmsg_pushstr (msg, MDPW_WORKER);
    zmsg_pushstr (msg, "");

    if (self->verbose) {
        zclock_log ("I: sending %s to broker",
            mdps_commands [(int) *command]);
        zmsg_dump (msg);
    zmsg_send (&msg, self->worker);

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect or reconnect to broker

void s_mdwrk_connect_to_broker (mdwrk_t *self)
    if (self->worker)
        zsocket_destroy (self->ctx, self->worker);
    self->worker = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_DEALER);
    zmq_connect (self->worker, self->broker);
    if (self->verbose)
        zclock_log ("I: connecting to broker at %s...", self->broker);

    //  Register service with broker
    s_mdwrk_send_to_broker (self, MDPW_READY, self->service, NULL);

    //  If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected
    self->liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS;
    self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + self->heartbeat;

Example 4-27 presents the constructor and destructor for our mdwrk class.

Example 4-27. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): constructor and destructor

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Constructor

mdwrk_t *
mdwrk_new (char *broker,char *service, int verbose)
    assert (broker);
    assert (service);

    mdwrk_t *self = (mdwrk_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (mdwrk_t));
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    self->broker = strdup (broker);
    self->service = strdup (service);
    self->verbose = verbose;
    self->heartbeat = 2500;     //  msec
    self->reconnect = 2500;     //  msec

    s_mdwrk_connect_to_broker (self);
    return self;

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Destructor

mdwrk_destroy (mdwrk_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        mdwrk_t *self = *self_p;
        zctx_destroy (&self->ctx);
        free (self->broker);
        free (self->service);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;

We provide two methods to configure the worker API. You can set the heartbeat interval and retries to match the expected network performance (Example 4-28).

Example 4-28. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): configure worker

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Set heartbeat delay

mdwrk_set_heartbeat (mdwrk_t *self, int heartbeat)
    self->heartbeat = heartbeat;

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Set reconnect delay

mdwrk_set_reconnect (mdwrk_t *self, int reconnect)
    self->reconnect = reconnect;

Example 4-29 shows the recv method; it’s a little misnamed since it first sends any reply and then waits for a new request. If you have a better name for this, let me know!

Example 4-29. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): recv method

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Send reply, if any, to broker and wait for next request.

zmsg_t *
mdwrk_recv (mdwrk_t *self, zmsg_t **reply_p)
    //  Format and send the reply if we were provided one
    assert (reply_p);
    zmsg_t *reply = *reply_p;
    assert (reply || !self->expect_reply);
    if (reply) {
        assert (self->reply_to);
        zmsg_wrap (reply, self->reply_to);
        s_mdwrk_send_to_broker (self, MDPW_REPLY, NULL, reply);
        zmsg_destroy (reply_p);
    self->expect_reply = 1;

    while (true) {
        zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
            { self->worker,  0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 } };
        int rc = zmq_poll (items, 1, self->heartbeat * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC);
        if (rc == -1)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (self->worker);
            if (!msg)
                break;          //  Interrupted
            if (self->verbose) {
                zclock_log ("I: received message from broker:");
                zmsg_dump (msg);
            self->liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS;

            //  Don't try to handle errors, just assert noisily
            assert (zmsg_size (msg) >= 3);

            zframe_t *empty = zmsg_pop (msg);
            assert (zframe_streq (empty, ""));
            zframe_destroy (&empty);

            zframe_t *header = zmsg_pop (msg);
            assert (zframe_streq (header, MDPW_WORKER));
            zframe_destroy (&header);

            zframe_t *command = zmsg_pop (msg);
            if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_REQUEST)) {
                //  We should pop and save as many addresses as there are
                //  up to a null part, but for now, just save one...
                self->reply_to = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
                zframe_destroy (&command);

Finally, here is where we actually have a message to process; as shown in Example 4-30, we return it to the caller application.

Example 4-30. Majordomo worker API (mdwrkapi.c): process message

            return msg;     //  We have a request to process
            if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_HEARTBEAT))
                ;               //  Do nothing for heartbeats
            if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_DISCONNECT))
                s_mdwrk_connect_to_broker (self);
            else {
                zclock_log ("E: invalid input message");
                zmsg_dump (msg);
            zframe_destroy (&command);
            zmsg_destroy (&msg);
        if (--self->liveness == 0) {
            if (self->verbose)
                zclock_log ("W: disconnected from broker - retrying...");
            zclock_sleep (self->reconnect);
            s_mdwrk_connect_to_broker (self);
        //  Send HEARTBEAT if it's time
        if (zclock_time () > self->heartbeat_at) {
            s_mdwrk_send_to_broker (self, MDPW_HEARTBEAT, NULL, NULL);
            self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + self->heartbeat;
    if (zctx_interrupted)
        printf ("W: interrupt received, killing worker...\n");
    return NULL;

Let’s see how the worker API looks in action with an example test program (Example 4-31) that implements an echo service.

Example 4-31. Majordomo worker application (mdworker.c)

//  Majordomo Protocol worker example
//  Uses the mdwrk API to hide all MDP aspects

//  Lets us build this source without creating a library
#include "mdwrkapi.c"

int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));
    mdwrk_t *session = mdwrk_new (
        "tcp://localhost:5555", "echo", verbose);

    zmsg_t *reply = NULL;
    while (true) {
        zmsg_t *request = mdwrk_recv (session, &reply);
        if (request == NULL)
            break;              //  Worker was interrupted
        reply = request;        //  Echo is complex... :-)
    mdwrk_destroy (&session);
    return 0;

Here are some things to note about the worker API code:

  • The APIs are single-threaded. This means, for example, that the worker won’t send heartbeats in the background. Happily, this is exactly what we want: if the worker application gets stuck, heartbeats will stop and the broker will stop sending requests to the worker.

  • The worker API doesn’t do an exponential backoff; it’s not worth the extra complexity.

  • The APIs don’t do any error reporting. If something isn’t as expected, they raise an assertion (or exception, depending on the language). This is ideal for a reference implementation, so any protocol errors show immediately. For real applications, the API should be robust against invalid messages.

You might wonder why the worker API is manually closing its socket and opening a new one, when ØMQ will automatically reconnect a socket if the peer disappears and comes back. Look back at the Simple Pirate and Paranoid Pirate workers to understand. Although ØMQ will automatically reconnect workers if the broker dies and comes back up, this isn’t sufficient to re-register the workers with the broker. I know of at least two solutions. The simplest, which we use here, is for the worker to monitor the connection using heartbeats and, if it decides the broker is dead, to close its socket and start afresh with a new socket. The alternative is for the broker to challenge unknown workers when it gets a heartbeat from them and ask them to re-register. That would require protocol support.

Now let’s design the Majordomo broker. Its core structure is a set of queues, one per service. We will create these queues as workers appear (we could delete them as workers disappear, but forget that for now because it gets complex). Additionally, we will keep a queue of workers per service.

The code for the broker is shown in Example 4-32.

Example 4-32. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c)

//  Majordomo Protocol broker
//  A minimal C implementation of the Majordomo Protocol as defined in
// and
#include "czmq.h"
#include "mdp.h"

//  We'd normally pull these from config data

#define HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS  3       //  3-5 is reasonable
#define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL  2500    //  msec

The broker class (Example 4-33) defines a single broker instance.

Example 4-33. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker class structure

typedef struct {
    zctx_t *ctx;                //  Our context
    void *socket;               //  Socket for clients & workers
    int verbose;                //  Print activity to stdout
    char *endpoint;             //  Broker binds to this endpoint
    zhash_t *services;          //  Hash of known services
    zhash_t *workers;           //  Hash of known workers
    zlist_t *waiting;           //  List of waiting workers
    uint64_t heartbeat_at;      //  When to send HEARTBEAT
} broker_t;

static broker_t *
    s_broker_new (int verbose);
static void
    s_broker_destroy (broker_t **self_p);
static void
    s_broker_bind (broker_t *self, char *endpoint);
static void
    s_broker_worker_msg (broker_t *self, zframe_t *sender, zmsg_t *msg);
static void
    s_broker_client_msg (broker_t *self, zframe_t *sender, zmsg_t *msg);
static void
    s_broker_purge (broker_t *self);

The service class (Example 4-34) defines a single service instance.

Example 4-34. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): service class structure

typedef struct {
    broker_t *broker;           //  Broker instance
    char *name;                 //  Service name
    zlist_t *requests;          //  List of client requests
    zlist_t *waiting;           //  List of waiting workers
    size_t workers;             //  How many workers we have
} service_t;

static service_t *
    s_service_require (broker_t *self, zframe_t *service_frame);
static void
    s_service_destroy (void *argument);
static void
    s_service_dispatch (service_t *service, zmsg_t *msg);

The worker class (Example 4-35) defines a single worker, idle or active.

Example 4-35. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): worker class structure

typedef struct {
    broker_t *broker;           //  Broker instance
    char *id_string;            //  Identity of worker as string
    zframe_t *identity;         //  Identity frame for routing
    service_t *service;         //  Owning service, if known
    int64_t expiry;             //  When a worker expires, if no heartbeat
} worker_t;

static worker_t *
    s_worker_require (broker_t *self, zframe_t *identity);
static void
    s_worker_delete (worker_t *self, int disconnect);
static void
    s_worker_destroy (void *argument);
static void
    s_worker_send (worker_t *self, char *command, char *option,
                   zmsg_t *msg);
static void
    s_worker_waiting (worker_t *self);

The constructor and destructor for the broker are shown in Example 4-36.

Example 4-36. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker constructor and destructor

static broker_t *
s_broker_new (int verbose)
    broker_t *self = (broker_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (broker_t));

    //  Initialize broker state
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    self->socket = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    self->verbose = verbose;
    self->services = zhash_new ();
    self->workers = zhash_new ();
    self->waiting = zlist_new ();
    self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;
    return self;

static void
s_broker_destroy (broker_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        broker_t *self = *self_p;
        zctx_destroy (&self->ctx);
        zhash_destroy (&self->services);
        zhash_destroy (&self->workers);
        zlist_destroy (&self->waiting);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;

The bind method, shown in Example 4-37, binds the broker instance to an endpoint. We can call this multiple times. Note that MDP uses a single socket for both clients and workers.

Example 4-37. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker bind method

s_broker_bind (broker_t *self, char *endpoint)
    zsocket_bind (self->socket, endpoint);
    zclock_log ("I: MDP broker/0.2.0 is active at %s", endpoint);

The worker_msg method shown in Example 4-38 processes one READY, REPLY, HEARTBEAT, or DISCONNECT message sent to the broker by a worker.

Example 4-38. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker worker_msg method

static void
s_broker_worker_msg (broker_t *self, zframe_t *sender, zmsg_t *msg)
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) >= 1);     //  At least, command

    zframe_t *command = zmsg_pop (msg);
    char *id_string = zframe_strhex (sender);
    int worker_ready = (zhash_lookup (self->workers, id_string) != NULL);
    free (id_string);
    worker_t *worker = s_worker_require (self, sender);

    if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_READY)) {
        if (worker_ready)               //  Not first command in session
            s_worker_delete (worker, 1);
        if (zframe_size (sender) >= 4  //  Reserved service name
        &&  memcmp (zframe_data (sender), "mmi.", 4) == 0)
            s_worker_delete (worker, 1);
        else {
            //  Attach worker to service and mark as idle
            zframe_t *service_frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
            worker->service = s_service_require (self, service_frame);
            s_worker_waiting (worker);
            zframe_destroy (&service_frame);
    if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_REPLY)) {
        if (worker_ready) {
            //  Remove and save client return envelope and insert the
            //  protocol header and service name, then rewrap envelope
            zframe_t *client = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
            zmsg_pushstr (msg, worker->service->name);
            zmsg_pushstr (msg, MDPC_CLIENT);
            zmsg_wrap (msg, client);
            zmsg_send (&msg, self->socket);
            s_worker_waiting (worker);
            s_worker_delete (worker, 1);
    if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_HEARTBEAT)) {
        if (worker_ready)
            worker->expiry = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_EXPIRY;
            s_worker_delete (worker, 1);
    if (zframe_streq (command, MDPW_DISCONNECT))
        s_worker_delete (worker, 0);
    else {
        zclock_log ("E: invalid input message");
        zmsg_dump (msg);
    free (command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

Example 4-39 shows how we process a request coming from a client. We implement Majordomo Management Interface (MMI) requests directly here (at present, only the mmi.service request).

Example 4-39. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker client_msg method

static void
s_broker_client_msg (broker_t *self, zframe_t *sender, zmsg_t *msg)
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) >= 2);     //  Service name + body

    zframe_t *service_frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    service_t *service = s_service_require (self, service_frame);

    //  Set reply return identity to client sender
    zmsg_wrap (msg, zframe_dup (sender));

    //  If we got an MMI service request, process that internally
    if (zframe_size (service_frame) >= 4
    &&  memcmp (zframe_data (service_frame), "mmi.", 4) == 0) {
        char *return_code;
        if (zframe_streq (service_frame, "mmi.service")) {
            char *name = zframe_strdup (zmsg_last (msg));
            service_t *service =
                (service_t *) zhash_lookup (self->services, name);
            return_code = service && service->workers? "200": "404";
            free (name);
            return_code = "501";

        zframe_reset (zmsg_last (msg), return_code, strlen (return_code));

        //  Remove & save client return envelope and insert the
        //  protocol header and service name, then rewrap envelope
        zframe_t *client = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
        zmsg_push (msg, zframe_dup (service_frame));
        zmsg_pushstr (msg, MDPC_CLIENT);
        zmsg_wrap (msg, client);
        zmsg_send (&msg, self->socket);
        //  Else dispatch the message to the requested service
        s_service_dispatch (service, msg);
    zframe_destroy (&service_frame);

The purge method, shown in Example 4-40, deletes any idle workers that haven’t pinged us in a while. We hold workers in order from oldest to most recent, so we can stop scanning whenever we find a live worker. This means we’ll mainly stop at the first worker, which is essential when we have large numbers of workers (because we call this method in our critical path).

Example 4-40. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): broker purge method

static void
s_broker_purge (broker_t *self)
    worker_t *worker = (worker_t *) zlist_first (self->waiting);
    while (worker) {
        if (zclock_time () < worker->expiry)
            break;                  //  Worker is alive, we're done here
        if (self->verbose)
            zclock_log ("I: deleting expired worker: %s",

        s_worker_delete (worker, 0);
        worker = (worker_t *) zlist_first (self->waiting);

Example 4-41 shows the implementation of the methods that work on a service.

Example 4-41. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): service methods

//  Lazy constructor that locates a service by name, or creates a new
//  service if there is no service already with that name

static service_t *
s_service_require (broker_t *self, zframe_t *service_frame)
    assert (service_frame);
    char *name = zframe_strdup (service_frame);

    service_t *service =
        (service_t *) zhash_lookup (self->services, name);
    if (service == NULL) {
        service = (service_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (service_t));
        service->broker = self;
        service->name = name;
        service->requests = zlist_new ();
        service->waiting = zlist_new ();
        zhash_insert (self->services, name, service);
        zhash_freefn (self->services, name, s_service_destroy);
        if (self->verbose)
            zclock_log ("I: added service: %s", name);
        free (name);

    return service;

//  Service destructor is called automatically whenever the service is
//  removed from broker->services

static void
s_service_destroy (void *argument)
    service_t *service = (service_t *) argument;
    while (zlist_size (service->requests)) {
        zmsg_t *msg = zlist_pop (service->requests);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);
    zlist_destroy (&service->requests);
    zlist_destroy (&service->waiting);
    free (service->name);
    free (service);

The dispatch method, shown in Example 4-42, sends requests to waiting workers.

Example 4-42. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): service dispatch method

static void
s_service_dispatch (service_t *self, zmsg_t *msg)
    assert (self);
    if (msg)                    //  Queue message, if any
        zlist_append (self->requests, msg);

    s_broker_purge (self->broker);
    while (zlist_size (self->waiting) && zlist_size (self->requests)) {
        worker_t *worker = zlist_pop (self->waiting);
        zlist_remove (self->broker->waiting, worker);
        zmsg_t *msg = zlist_pop (self->requests);
        s_worker_send (worker, MDPW_REQUEST, NULL, msg);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

Example 4-43 shows the implementation of the methods that work on a worker.

Example 4-43. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): worker methods

//  Lazy constructor that locates a worker by identity, or creates a new
//  worker if there is no worker already with that identity

static worker_t *
s_worker_require (broker_t *self, zframe_t *identity)
    assert (identity);

    //  self->workers is keyed off worker identity
    char *id_string = zframe_strhex (identity);
    worker_t *worker =
        (worker_t *) zhash_lookup (self->workers, id_string);

    if (worker == NULL) {
        worker = (worker_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (worker_t));
        worker->broker = self;
        worker->id_string = id_string;
        worker->identity = zframe_dup (identity);
        zhash_insert (self->workers, id_string, worker);
        zhash_freefn (self->workers, id_string, s_worker_destroy);
        if (self->verbose)
            zclock_log ("I: registering new worker: %s", id_string);
        free (id_string);
    return worker;

//  The delete method deletes the current worker

static void
s_worker_delete (worker_t *self, int disconnect)
    assert (self);
    if (disconnect)
        s_worker_send (self, MDPW_DISCONNECT, NULL, NULL);

    if (self->service) {
        zlist_remove (self->service->waiting, self);
    zlist_remove (self->broker->waiting, self);
    //  This implicitly calls s_worker_destroy
    zhash_delete (self->broker->workers, self->id_string);

//  Worker destructor is called automatically whenever the worker is
//  removed from broker->workers

static void
s_worker_destroy (void *argument)
    worker_t *self = (worker_t *) argument;
    zframe_destroy (&self->identity);
    free (self->id_string);
    free (self);

The send method (Example 4-44) formats and sends a command to a worker. The caller may also provide a command option and a message payload.

Example 4-44. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): worker send method

static void
s_worker_send (worker_t *self, char *command, char *option, zmsg_t *msg)
    msg = msg? zmsg_dup (msg): zmsg_new ();

    //  Stack protocol envelope to start of message
    if (option)
        zmsg_pushstr (msg, option);
    zmsg_pushstr (msg, command);
    zmsg_pushstr (msg, MDPW_WORKER);

    //  Stack routing envelope to start of message
    zmsg_wrap (msg, zframe_dup (self->identity));

    if (self->broker->verbose) {
        zclock_log ("I: sending %s to worker",
            mdps_commands [(int) *command]);
        zmsg_dump (msg);
    zmsg_send (&msg, self->broker->socket);

//  This worker is now waiting for work

static void
s_worker_waiting (worker_t *self)
    //  Queue to broker and service waiting lists
    assert (self->broker);
    zlist_append (self->broker->waiting, self);
    zlist_append (self->service->waiting, self);
    self->expiry = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_EXPIRY;
    s_service_dispatch (self->service, NULL);

Finally, here is the main task. In Example 4-45, we create a new broker instance and then process messages on the broker socket.

Example 4-45. Majordomo broker (mdbroker.c): main task

int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));

    broker_t *self = s_broker_new (verbose);
    s_broker_bind (self, "tcp://*:5555");

    //  Get and process messages forever or until interrupted
    while (true) {
        zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
            { self->socket,  0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 } };
        int rc = zmq_poll (items, 1, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC);
        if (rc == -1)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        //  Process next input message, if any
        if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (self->socket);
            if (!msg)
                break;          //  Interrupted
            if (self->verbose) {
                zclock_log ("I: received message:");
                zmsg_dump (msg);
            zframe_t *sender = zmsg_pop (msg);
            zframe_t *empty  = zmsg_pop (msg);
            zframe_t *header = zmsg_pop (msg);

            if (zframe_streq (header, MDPC_CLIENT))
                s_broker_client_msg (self, sender, msg);
            if (zframe_streq (header, MDPW_WORKER))
                s_broker_worker_msg (self, sender, msg);
            else {
                zclock_log ("E: invalid message:");
                zmsg_dump (msg);
                zmsg_destroy (&msg);
            zframe_destroy (&sender);
            zframe_destroy (&empty);
            zframe_destroy (&header);
        //  Disconnect and delete any expired workers
        //  Send heartbeats to idle workers if needed
        if (zclock_time () > self->heartbeat_at) {
            s_broker_purge (self);
            worker_t *worker = (worker_t *) zlist_first (self->waiting);
            while (worker) {
                s_worker_send (worker, MDPW_HEARTBEAT, NULL, NULL);
                worker = (worker_t *) zlist_next (self->waiting);
            self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;
    if (zctx_interrupted)
        printf ("W: interrupt received, shutting down...\n");

    s_broker_destroy (&self);
    return 0;

This is by far the most complex example we’ve seen. It’s almost 500 lines of code; writing this and making it somewhat robust took two days. However, this is still a relatively short piece of code for a full service-oriented broker.

Notes on this code:

  • The Majordomo Protocol lets us handle both clients and workers on a single socket. This is nicer for those deploying and managing the broker: it just sits on one ØMQ endpoint rather than the two that most proxies need.

  • The broker implements all of MDP/0.1 properly (as far as I know), including disconnection if the broker sends invalid commands, heartbeating, and the rest.

  • It can be extended to run multiple threads, each managing one socket and one set of clients and workers. This could be interesting for segmenting large architectures. The C code is already organized around a broker class to make this trivial.

  • A primary/failover or live/live broker reliability model is easy, as the broker essentially has no state except service presence. It’s up to clients and workers to choose another broker if their first choice isn’t up and running.

  • The examples use five-second heartbeats, mainly to reduce the amount of output when you enable tracing. Realistic values would be lower for most LAN applications. However, any retry has to be slow enough to allow for a service to restart, say 10 seconds at least.

We later improved and extended the protocol and the Majordomo implementation, which now sits in its own GitHub project. If you want a properly usable Majordomo stack, use the GitHub project.

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