High-Water Marks

When you can send messages rapidly from process to process, you soon discover that memory is a precious resource, and one that can be trivially filled up. A few seconds of delay somewhere in a process can turn into a backlog that blows up a server unless you understand the problem and take precautions.

The problem is this: if you have process A sending messages to process B, which suddenly gets very busy (garbage collection, CPU overload, whatever), then what happens to the messages that process A wants to send? Some will sit in B’s network buffers. Some will sit on the Ethernet wire itself. Some will sit in A’s network buffers. And the rest will accumulate in A’s memory. If you don’t take some precaution, A can easily run out of memory and crash. It is a consistent, classic problem with message brokers.

What are the answers? One is to pass the problem upstream. A is getting the messages from somewhere else, so tell that process to stop, and so on up the line. This is called flow control. It sounds great, but what if you’re sending out a Twitter feed? Do you tell the whole world to stop tweeting while B gets its act together?

Flow control works in some cases, but not in others. The transport layer can’t tell the application layer to “stop” any more than a subway system can tell a large business, “Please keep your staff at work for another half an hour. I’m too busy.”

The answer for messaging is to set limits on the size of buffers, and then, when ...

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