Finding Tax Sale Listings

Once you’ve selected a location that interests you, it’s time to find the actual tax sale notifications and listings and compile your property selections. Remember that most states allow property owners to redeem right down to the last day before the sale, so as a result, you may find that a piece of property you had your eye on was paid off just days before the tax sale. We can avoid this scenario by making sure that we select several properties to bid on, and that the final list we compile is updated as close to the sale date as possible. Counties that have online access are going to be your best friend for this. Following are the different methods of finding out about tax sales and getting property bid lists.

County Website

Most counties in the country now have their own website, so start by looking there. To find the county site, you can check on the Zero Risk Resource Center (see the last page of this book for access), or go to good old Mr. Google ( If you don’t know the actual name of the county, type in the city, such as “County for Atlanta, Georgia.” The search results will quickly tell you that the answer is Fulton County.

The department within the county that is responsible for collecting the property taxes is usually the Treasurer, Tax Commissioner, or some other equivalent. So the next step is to search for that office. For Fulton County, you would search “Fulton County Georgia Tax Commissioner” and quickly find their website ...

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