
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


accounts, YouTube, 166168, 167

Achmed the Dead Terrorist, 153155, 153

Ackerman, Joel, 321

Acton Minutemen, 279, 279, 281

Ad Age, 40, 420

ad networks. See video ad networks, 232, 234, 235

“Add video annotations - YouTube Help Center” video, 87

Adegoke, Yinka, 214

Adobe Premiere Pro editing software, 68

Ads Worth Spreading challenge, 419, 419, 439

AdSense, 176, 179

Advanced Needle Visualization video, 304, 304

“Advanced Segments in Google Analytics” video, 354

“Advertisers you wouldn't expect to find on

YouTube” post (Shackleton), 316

advertising, 9192

Google Display Network, ...

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