Achiever action-logic, 125–127


Achiever, 125–127

Alchemical, 127–128

center-of-gravity, 131

Diplomatic, 125–127

emergent, 131

Expert, 125–127

fallback, 131

Opportunistic, 125–127

Redefining, 127

Transforming, 127–128

Actual actions

guidelines, 38

LPG analysis, 35–38

quality questions, 38

Actual frames

guidelines, 42

LPG analysis, 38–42

quality questions, 42

Actual outcomes

dialogue, 33

guidelines, 35

LPG analysis, 33–35

quality questions, 35

Advocacy, 46

Alchemical action-logics, 127–128

Artistry, 120

Battle of messages, 119

Big assumption

CIM analysis, 66–70

guidelines, 70

quality criteria, 70

Buffett, Warren, 125, 128

Bypassing dynamic technique, 105–107

Carnegie, Dale, 125

Casals, Pablo, 130

Causal theory, 42

Center-of-gravity ...

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