Chapter 6Applying PFC FISHES to Your Life Trajectory for Balance and Inner Harmony

You learned in earlier chapters how to apply the FIST Factor model as a tool to create positive personal influencers for your Line and enhance your individual performance. It's equally critical to convey outward behaviors, such as posture and word choice, that express a positive attitude. Assessing the voices you allow into your head determines the level of performance execution you and others can attain and the ultimate trajectory direction you can experience.

You are the sum whole of every influencer you have allowed into your subconscious mind throughout your entire life. These influencers have guided you in assessing every situation, encounter, person, and opportunity. They calibrate your TC and dictate your performance execution.

Think of it this way: Visualize a teeter-totter. One side contains all of the positive, constructive, nurturing influencers. These are the voices you hear whenever you consider doing or saying anything. They are processed in a nanosecond, and are reflected in what you say or do out loud.

Conversely, the other side of the teeter-totter represents all of the negative, destructive, whining influencers. These voices are processed immediately and also speak to you whenever you consider doing or saying anything.

The side of the teeter-totter that is weighted down more within an individual, organization, or group, influences their collective TC and the level of performance ...

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