
Your Google Game Plan for Success is my first solo gig. I co-authored Google Analytics, 3rd Edition with Jerri Ledford in 2009, and felt as though I had it in me to author my own book. Now it's in the hands of people like you!

There is just no possible way I could have done all this hard work alone. There are a few individuals I'd like to thank, because without them this book would not be in your hands today.

The first person is my beautiful fiancée, Francine. She supported me and stood by me throughout the entire process of putting this book together. Without her moral and emotional support, I truly don't know where I'd be today. She also makes a mean banana pudding. I love you, Francine.

I also want to thank my future in-laws, Ronnie and Ira. Anytime I talk about this book, I can tell that you are just so proud of me and can't wait to have a signed copy of it in your hands. I'm touched that I make you so proud of me. I love you two very much.

An extra-special thank-you goes to my brother Fausto and my sister-in-law Katie for being my No. 1 fans.

Finally, there is a group of hard-working, dedicated, thorough, motivated, bright, awesome people who have really rolled up their collective sleeves and put in long hours to make sure that this book is first-class material for you, the reader. These folks never get thanked enough, so I'm happy to acknowledge the entire team at Wiley Publishing for everything they've done to get this project off the ground and running. Specifically, ...

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