

A (auto) mode, 22–25

indoor sporting event solutions, 114–115


Photoshop, 138, 217–218

Photoshop Elements, 138

photos, downloading, 192–194

photos, editing, 217–218

photos, organizing, 206, 208–210

AEL (auto exposure lock), 75–76

evaluative metering, 76–77

versus fill-flash, 77

focus calculations, 78, 82

aperture, 4–5

depth of field, 11–14, 92

f-stops, 9–11

light meters, 43

manual (M) mode, 47–48

backlighting solutions, 108–109

exposure compensation, 66, 105–107, 110

indoor sporting event solutions, 118

maximum aperture, 92

range of focus, 11, 92

aperture (Av/A) mode, 22, 38–40

aspect ratio, 145–146

auto exposure lock (AEL), 75–76

evaluative metering, 76–77

versus fill-flash, 77

focus calculations, 78, 82

auto flash, 56

auto focus ...

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