
‘Abilitec’, 57
users, 62
Active Directory, 116
Acxiom, 57, 62, 65, 194, 196
Adobe flash player, 119
AdRoll, 60
Advanced persistent threat (APT), 120
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 160, See also ObamaCare
Aggregate data, 154, 197
All-Part Parliamentary Group on Medical Research, 147
Amazon, 71, 173
Amnesty International and Liberty, 32
Android operating system, 76–77, 80
Anonymized data, 154
Anti-privacy activity, 132
Anti-virus firms, 82
Anti-virus tool, 115
AOL helpdesk, 118
Apple, 69
Appstore, 86, 104
iCloud Drive service, 87
iPhone 6, 188
Safari browser, 7,

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