Find and Rate Movies

You can find showtimes, review movies, and get recommendations at Yahoo! Movies.

You can streamline your movie-viewing habits by using or by typing movies! into any Yahoo! search form. Yahoo! Movies is designed to help you find what movies are out, which movies are hot, and where you can see them. Here’s a quick look at some of the features you’ll find on the site:

Movie Showtimes

Enter a Zip Code or City and State into the form on the front page to find a list of theaters in your area, with a complete list of movies and times they’re playing.

New Releases

Click Coming Soon on the front page to see a list of movies that will be in theaters soon. Be sure to browse the Further Out column on the right side of the page to see movies opening in the more distant future.

Movie Trailers

Click Trailers on the front page or browse to to view video clips and previews of movies. The archive includes movies from the past several years.

Entertainment News

Click News on the front page to view film-related news from the entertainment industry. For an overview of news from the entire entertainment business, point your browser to

Box Office Charts

Click Box Office to find out which movies are making the most money. You can view the rankings by day or week, or view the top-grossing movies of all time. You can also choose archived charts from the past few months to see how recent movies have done at ...

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