
[2.0] round-half-to-even()

Returns the integer closest to the argument, with the exception that any value that ends with .5 is rounded to the nearest even number.


numeric? round-half-to-even(numeric?)
numeric? round-half-to-even(numeric?, $precision as xs:integer)


A numeric value and an optional xs:integer specifying the number of digits of precision to be used in the calculation. The numeric value must be of type xs:float, xs:double, xs:decimal, or xs:integer. If it is not, the XSLT processor raises an error.


The integer closest to the argument, with values ending in .5 rounded to the nearest even number. With that exception, round-half-to-even() works the same as round():

  • If the argument is positive infinity, then positive infinity is returned.

  • If the argument is negative infinity, then negative infinity is returned.

  • If the argument is positive zero, then positive zero is returned.

  • If the argument is negative zero, then negative zero is returned.

  • If the argument is between zero and –0.5, then negative zero is returned.

  • If the argument is NaN (not a number), then NaN is returned.

If the $precision argument is used, the XSLT processor returns the number closest to the value that is a multiple of 10 to the power of minus $precision. The value –2 rounds the number to the nearest 100, while the value 2 rounds the number to the nearest .01.

The output value has the same datatype as the input value. In other words, the function round-half-to-even(xs:integer) returns an xs:integer ...

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