
[2.0] regex-group()

When using a regular expression to process a string, this function returns portions of the analyzed string based on groups in the regular expression. This function is used inside the <xsl:matching-substring> element only.


xs:string regex-group(xs:integer)


An xs:integer representing a section of the regular expression.


The portion of the analyzed string that matches the specified portion of the regular expression. A portion of a regular expression must be in parentheses to be considered a group.

Here are some notes about how regex-group() works:

  • Calling regex-group(0) returns the entire matching substring, including characters that don’t belong to any group.

  • If the requested portion of the regular expression exists, but doesn’t match anything in the analyzed string, regex-group() returns a zero-length string. (In other words, the group is optional in the regular expression.)

  • If the requested portion of the regular expression exists, but it matches the zero-length portion of the analyzed string, regex-group() returns a zero-length string.

  • If the requested portion of the regular expression doesn’t exist (we call regex-group(4) when the regular expression has only three groups, for example), regex-group() returns a zero-length string.

  • Finally, regex-group() returns a zero-length string if the group number is a negative integer.

Defined in

XSLT 2.0 section 15, “Regular Expressions.”


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