

abs (absolute value) function, Functions on Numbers
absent values, Handling Missing Values
absolute URIs, Working with URIs
addition, Arithmetic Operations, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations, Arithmetic and string operators
+ operator, Arithmetic Operations
durations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
durations to dates and times, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
precedence of arithmetic operators, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators
SQL and XQuery operators, Arithmetic and string operators
adjust-time-to-timezone function, Finding the time zone of a value
aggregating values, Aggregating and Grouping Values, Aggregating Values, Ignoring "Missing" Values, Counting "Missing" Values, Counting "Missing" Values, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values
constraining and sorting on aggregated values, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values
counting missing values, Counting "Missing" Values
ignoring missing values, Ignoring "Missing" Values
on multiple values, Counting "Missing" Values
aggregation functions, Sequences, Functions on Numbers
& (ampersand), Containing Literal Characters, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function, Finding the URI of a document, XML Entity and Character References, Full-Text Search
&& (and) full text operator, Full-Text Search
entity reference (&), XML Entity and Character References
escaping in element ...

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