About the Reviewers

Rodolfo Rigo Calabrezi has worked in desktop publishing and web advertising campaigns, PC and mobile applications, critical systems and web 2.0 frontend. In the 90s, he made games for the MSX and TRS-Color platforms. In 2004, he worked as the CTO at Eleven Cells, a game development studio. He built an impressive professional network. He was a member of IGDA, working directly on programming, game design, art production, and QA. He teaches and gives lectures in schools about game development. He is in charge of Quantix Games, a Brazilian game development studio. He knows PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C/C++, C#, HLSL, engine architecture, graphics pipeline, ODE, Ageia, Direct3D, OpenGL, Jupiter, Cipher, PopCap, HGE, XNA, and Flash ...

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