Time for action – updating the WeaponManager class

  1. Add a property to the Player class to create a shortcut to the square the player is currently located in:
    #region Properties
    public static Vector2 PathingNodePosition
            return TileMap.GetSquareAtPixel(BaseSprite.WorldCenter);
  2. Modify the tryToSpawnPowerup() method of the WeaponManager class and replace the if statement that checks to see if the tile the power-up is being placed on is a wall (it currently reads if (!TileMap.IsWallTile(x,y))) with the following:
    if (!(PathFinder.FindPath(
        new Vector2(x,y),
  3. Execute Robot Rampage and explore the map, looking for the power-ups.

What just happened?

Since the FindPath() method returns null immediately ...

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