Time for action – creating the EnemyManager class

  1. Add a new class to the AsteroidBeltAssault project called EnemyManager.
  2. Add the standard using directives to the top of the file:
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
  3. Add declarations to the EnemyManager class:
    private Texture2D texture; private Rectangle initialFrame; private int frameCount; public List<Enemy> Enemies = new List<Enemy>(); public ShotManager EnemyShotManager; private PlayerManager playerManager; public int MinShipsPerWave = 5; public int MaxShipsPerWave = 8; private float nextWaveTimer = 0.0f; private float nextWaveMinTimer = 8.0f; private float shipSpawnTimer = 0.0f; private float shipSpawnWaitTime = 0.5f; private float shipShotChance = 0.2f; private ...

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