Time for action – supporting collision detection

  1. Add the properties and methods needed to support collision detection to the Sprite class:
    public Rectangle BoundingBoxRect
        return new Rectangle(
            (int)location.X + BoundingXPadding,
            (int)location.Y + BoundingYPadding,
            frameWidth - (BoundingXPadding * 2),
            frameHeight - (BoundingYPadding * 2));
    public bool IsBoxColliding(Rectangle OtherBox)
        return BoundingBoxRect.Intersects(OtherBox);
    public bool IsCircleColliding(Vector2 otherCenter, float otherRadius)
        if (Vector2.Distance(Center, otherCenter) <
            (CollisionRadius + otherRadius))
            return true;
            return false;

What just happened?

The BoundingBoxRect property provides a Rectangle object equivalent to the location and size of the sprite ...

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