Time for action – animation and drawing properties

  1. Add public properties to allow access to the Sprite class' members:
    public int Frame
        get { return currentFrame; }
        set { currentFrame = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(value, 0, 
              frames.Count - 1); }
    public float FrameTime
        get { return frameTime; }
        set { frameTime = MathHelper.Max(0, value); }
    public Rectangle Source
        get { return frames[currentFrame]; }
    public Rectangle Destination
            return new Rectangle(
    public Vector2 Center
            return location + 
                new Vector2(frameWidth / 2, frameHeight / 2);

What just happened?

The set portion of the Frame property uses MathHelper.Clamp() to ensure that when it is set, the value stored ...

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