Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 4 – GetSourceRect

  1. Add the GetSourceRect() method to the GamePiece class:
      public Rectangle GetSourceRect()
          int x = textureOffsetX;
          int y = textureOffsetY;
          if (pieceSuffix.Contains("W"))
              x += PieceWidth + texturePaddingX;
          y += (Array.IndexOf(PieceTypes, pieceType) * 
               (PieceHeight + texturePaddingY));
          return new Rectangle(x, y, PieceWidth, PieceHeight);

What just happened?

Initially, the x and y variables are set to the textureOffsets that are listed in the GamePiece class declaration. This means they will both start with a value of one.

Because the sprite sheet is organized with a single type of pipe on each row, the x coordinate of the Rectangle is the easiest to determine. If the pieceSuffix

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