Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 1 – updating

  1. Add the following methods to the GamePiece class:
      public void SetPiece(string type, string suffix)
          pieceType = type;
          pieceSuffix = suffix;
      public void SetPiece(string type)
      public void AddSuffix(string suffix)
          if (!pieceSuffix.Contains(suffix))
              pieceSuffix += suffix;
      public void RemoveSuffix(string suffix)
          pieceSuffix = pieceSuffix.Replace(suffix, "");

The first two methods are overloads with the same name, but different parameter lists. In a manner similar to the GamePiece constructors, code that wishes to update a GamePiece can pass it a piece type, and optionally a suffix.

Additional methods have been added to modify suffixes without changing the ...

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