Inside the SMIL Vocabulary

As you'll learn later in the chapter, SMIL can be used to create very rich multimedia presentations involving a variety of synchronized media types. To provide such power and flexibility, you might think that the SMIL vocabulary would be a large, complex beast with lots of tricky nuances. However, it's actually pretty simple in both its structure and usage. Listing 32.1 contains a preliminary SMIL DTD.

Listing 32.1. The SMIL Document Type Definition (DTD)
 <!-- Generally useful entities --> <!ENTITY % id-attr "id ID #IMPLIED"> <!ENTITY % title-attr "title CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!ENTITY % skip-attr "skip-content (true|false) 'true'"> <!ENTITY % desc-attr " %title-attr; abstract CDATA #IMPLIED author CDATA #IMPLIED copyright ...

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