
xs:simpleType(global definition) — Global simple type declaration that can be referenced within the same schema by other schemas.


           final         = ( “#all” | ( “list” | “union” | “restriction” ) )
           id            = xs:ID
           name          = xs:NCName
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?, (xs:restriction | xs:list | xs:union))

May be included in: xs:redefine, xs:schema


Global user-defined simple datatypes are defined directly under the xs:schema document element (or redefined using xs:redefine) outside of the scope of any specific content model. They can be referenced through their qualified name in the same schema or by any other schema that has included or imported this schema.

Like local simple datatypes, these are defined by derivation from other simple datatypes (either predefined by W3C XML Schema or other user-defined datatypes) using one of the three derivation methods available for simple types: xs:restriction to add new constraints to a datatype, xs:list to define lists of values, and xs:union to perform the union of the lexical spaces of several datatypes).

The name attribute is unqualified since the datatype is considered to belong to the target namespace of the schema in which it is defined. During a reference, the prefix that has been defined for this namespace needs to be added.

Although simple datatypes are considered to belong to the target namespace of schema in which they are defined, they can be referenced ...

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