
xs:maxLength — Facet to define a maximum length.


           fixed          = xs:boolean : “false”
           id             = xs:ID
           value          = xs:nonNegativeInteger
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?)

May be included in: xs:restriction (simple type), xs:restriction (simple content)

May be used as facet for:xs:anyURI, xs:base64Binary, xs:ENTITIES, xs:ENTITY, xs:hexBinary, xs:ID, xs:IDREF, xs:IDREFS, xs:language, xs:Name, xs:NCName, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:NMTOKENS, xs:normalizedString, xs:NOTATION, xs:QName, xs:string, xs:token


xs:maxLength is a facet that allows the definition of the maximum length expressed in a unit that depends on the datatype. For most of the datatypes, the unit is a character as defined in the XML 1.0 Recommendation (i.e., Unicode characters defined by ISO/IEC 10646 that may be represented on more than 8 bits). The exceptions are the binary datatypes (xs:hexBinary and xs:base64Binary), for which lengths are expressed in number of bytes (8 bits) of binary data, and all the list datatypes, for which lengths are expressed in number of list items.

xs:maxLength constrains the value space. In practice, this means that it is checked after whitespace replacement and collapsing, as defined by the xs:whiteSpace facet.


This is a logical length, which often has no direct relation to the size of storage needed for the value.

It is forbidden to define both xs:maxLength and xs:length in the same restriction step. Although not ...

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