
xs:group(reference) — Reference to a global elements group declaration or local definition (local definitions cannot be referenced).


           id          = xs:ID
           maxOccurs          = ( xs:nonNegativeInteger | “unbounded” ) : “1”
           minOccurs          = xs:nonNegativeInteger : “1”
           ref          = xs:QName
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?)

May be included in: xs:choice (outside a group), xs:choice (within a group), xs:complexType (local definition), xs:complexType (global definition), xs:extension (complex content), xs:restriction (complex content), xs:sequence (within a group), xs:sequence (outside a group)


Used in a local context, xs:group is a reference to an element group. The effect is a logical replacement of the group reference by the group’s content.

When a group is being redefined (through xs:redefine), a self reference (i.e., a reference to the group being redefined) specifically means “include the original content of the group at this location.”


Groups cannot be recursive (i.e., a group cannot be referred to either directly or indirectly within its definition).


<xs:element name="author">
      <xs:group ref="name"/>
      <xs:element ref="born"/>
      <xs:element ref="dead" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute ref="id"/>



W3C XML Schema’s element ID.


Maximum number of occurrences of the group.


Minimum number of occurrences of the group. ...

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