
xs:documentation — Human-targeted documentation.


           source            = xs:anyURI
           xml:lang          = xml:lang
           Content: ({any})*

May be included in: xs:annotation


xs:documentation is a container for human-readable documentation in plain text or structured formats. Its content model is open and can accept any element from any namespace (with a lax validation only—W3C XML Schema elements included here must be valid). xs:documentation can be used to include any kind of information.

Its content is similar to xs:appinfo (which is reserved for application processable information), except that it has xml:lang attribute; this is allowed in xs:documentation, but forbidden for xs:appinfo).


Foreign attributes cannot be included in xs:documentation. The source attribute is also underspecified in the Recommendation. This could lead to interoperability issues between applications that rely on xs:documentation.


<xs:element name="author" type="author">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
      The author of a book.
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="fr">
      Designe l'auteur d'un livre.



Can be used to provide a link to the source of the information when a snippet is included, or it can be used as a semantic attribute to qualify the type of information included.


Language used for the documentation.

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