
xs:anyAttribute — Wildcard to replace any attribute.


           id                 = xs:ID
           namespace          = ( ( “##any” | “##other” ) | list of ( xs:anyURI | (
                                   “##targetNamespace” | “##local” ) ) ) : “##any”
           processContents    = ( “skip” | “lax” | “strict” ) : “strict”
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?)

May be included in: xs:attributeGroup (global definition), xs:complexType (local definition), xs:complexType (global definition), xs:extension (complex content), xs:extension (simple content), xs:restriction (complex content), xs:restriction (simple content)


xs:anyAttribute is a wildcard that allows the insertion of any attribute belonging to a list of namespaces. This particle must be used wherever an attribute local declaration of reference can be used (i.e., within complexType or attributeGroup definitions).

The list of permitted namespaces is specified though the namespace attribute. The namespace attribute expects a list of namespace URIs. In this list, two values have a specific meaning: ##targetNamespace stands for the target namespace, and ##local stands for local attributes (without namespaces). These values can be mixed in the list with regular namespaces URIs. The whole list may also be replaced by two other special values: ##any stands for any namespace at all and is the default value for the namespace attribute and ##other stands for any namespace other than the target namespace. When ##other is used in a ...

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