16.2. The xTract.py Utility in Action

Here is an example execution of the xTract utility using the above XML file from http://www.slashdot.com and the above query template. Note how the three stories returned match the search criteria expressed in the interesting.xml file.

CD-ROM reference=16003.txt
C>python xTract.py http://www.slashdot.org/slashdot.xml
					interesting.xml 3 fragment(s) match. <?xml version="1.0"?> <story> <title>LinuxPPC unleashes LinuxPPC 1999 Q3</title> <url>http://slashdot.org/articles/99/09/13/1240212 .shtml</url> <time>1999_09_13 20:43:11</time> <author>Hemos</author> <department>rolling_out_the_new</department> <topic>linux</topic> <comments>69</comments> <section>articles</section> <image>topiclinux.gif</image> </story> ...

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