12.8. Node Lists

Pyxie provides a collection of functions for the creation and processing of lists of nodes. The Descendants method creates a Python list of all the nodes beneath the active position in an xTree. The following program creates a list of descendants of the root node and uses it to print the data content of an XML document backwards.

CD-ROM reference=12018.txt
C>type p16.py

Print the data content of an XML
document backwards.

from pyxie import *

import sys
t = File2xTree (sys.argv[1])
L = t.Descendants()
for node in L:
      if isinstance(node,xData):
            strlist = list(node.Data)
            print string.join(strlist,"")

C>python p16.py hello.xml


C>type AbleWasIEreISawElba.xml <palindrome> able was I ...

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