
xs:whiteSpace — Allows you to specify how whitespace processing should be performed on the contents of a type

Applies to

xs:normalizedString, xs:string



One of preserve, replace, or collapse


This facet determines how the schema processor will report whitespace contained in string values. If the value attribute is set to preserve, all whitespace will be kept unchanged. If the value attribute is set to replace, all whitespace characters—including #x9 (tab), #xA (line feed), #xD (carriage return), and #x20 (space)—will be replaced with space characters. If the value attribute is set to collapse, every sequence of whitespace characters will be replaced with a single space.

Datatypes may also perform their own whitespace processing, but once whitespace is discarded through replace or collapse, which is the case for all types except xs:string and xs:normalizedString, it cannot be recovered.

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