
rng:value — Matches a specific value, including a value from a specified datatype

XML syntax example

<element name="answer">

<element name="value" datatypeLibrary="
  <value type="string">one</value>
  <value type="integer">1</value>
  <value type="decimal">1.0</value>

Compact syntax example

element answer { "yes" | "no" | "true" | "false" }

element value { xsd:string "one" | xsd:integer "1" | xsd:decimal "1.0" }



A datatype from the datatype library that is specified with the nearest datatypeLibrary attribute


attribute, choice (( ) and |), define (name of pattern followed by =), element, except (-), group (( ) and ,), interleave (&), list, mixed, oneOrMore (+), optional (?), start (start followed by =), zeroOrMore (*)


The value pattern matches a specific value from an enumeration or, when using the type attribute, a value from a specific datatype. The value of the type attribute may match any legal value of a specified datatype library such as the XML Schema datatype library. The datatype library is specified by the value of the datatypeLibrary attribute. Child or descendant elements inherit the value of datatypeLibrary; hence datatypeLibrary is often specified on the document element. Datatypes can be restricted using the param element. In the compact syntax, the datatype ...

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