



Any non-negative integer or unbounded.


Any non-negative integer.


One of ##any, ##other, or a list of URIs used to limit the namespaces of the elements that may appear here. The URI list may include the special value ##targetNamespace, meaning the schema’s target namespace, and ##local, to indicate that elements without a namespace may appear. ##any is the default, allowing elements in any namespace. ##other allows elements in any namespace except the schema’s target namespace.


One of lax, skip, or strict. If strict (the default), all elements appearing here must either be declared in the schema or have a valid xsi:type attribute and must conform to those declarations. If skip, elements don’t need to be declared; if they are declared, they don’t need to be valid. If lax, elements don’t need to be declared, but if they are declared or have an xsi:type attribute, they have to be valid according to that declaration.



The xs:any element is used to specify contents very loosely. At its loosest, an xs:any element of the following form:

<xs:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##any" processContents="skip" />

is almost as flexible as the ANY element type in DTDs, allowing any kind of well-formed element (though not textual) content. The attributes may be used to provide more control over the contents, limiting them by quantity (minOccurs, maxOccurs), namespace (namespace), or the kind of schema processing ...

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