


  id = "ID"
  namespace = "##any | ##other | anyURI* ##targetNamespace? ##local?"
  processContents = "(lax | skip | strict)" >
  <!-- (xs:annotation?) -->

The xs:anyAttribute element appears inside xs:complexType elements, where it indicates that elements of that type can have any attribute from one or more namespaces. It can also appear inside xs:attributeGroup elements, where it adds attributes from one or more namespaces as potential members of the group. The namespace attribute contains a whitespace-separated list of the namespace URIs that are allowed for this element’s attributes. As well as literal namespace URIs, the special value ##targetNamespace can be included in the list to indicate that any attribute from the schema’s target namespace can be used. The special value ##local can be included in the list, indicating that attributes not in any namespace (unprefixed attributes) may be used. Instead of the list of namespace URIs, you can use the special value ##any to indicate that all attributes from any namespace are allowed or the special value ##other to indicate that attributes from namespaces other than the schema’s target namespace can be used.

The processContents attribute indicates whether the attributes themselves have to be declared, generally as top-level attributes. It has one of these three values:


Attributes represented by this xs:anyAttribute element must be declared, and the attribute must be valid ...

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