
The DeclHandler Interface


DeclHandler is a callback interface that provides information about the ELEMENT, ATTLIST, and parsed ENTITY declarations in the document’s DTD. To configure an XMLReader with a DeclHandler, pass the name and an instance of the handler to the reader’s setProperty( ) method:

try {
    new YourDeclHandlerImplementationClass(  ));
catch(SAXException ex) {
  System.out.println("This parser does not provide declarations.");

If the parser does not provide declaration events, it throws a SAXNotRecognizedException. If the parser cannot install a DeclHandler at this moment (generally because it’s in the middle of parsing a document), then it throws a SAXNotSupportedException. If it doesn’t throw one of these exceptions, it will call back to the methods in your DeclHandler as it parses the DTD:

package org.xml.sax.ext;
public interface DeclHandler {
  public void elementDecl(String name, String model) throws SAXException;
  public void attributeDecl(String elementName, String attributeName,
   String type, String defaultValue, String value) throws SAXException;
  public void internalEntityDecl(String name, String value)
   throws SAXException;
  public void externalEntityDecl(String name, String publicID,
   String systemID) throws SAXException;

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