
The SAXException Class


Most exceptions thrown by SAX methods are instances of the SAXException class or one of its subclasses. The single exception to this rule is the parse( ) method of XMLReader, which may throw a raw IOException if a purely I/O-related error occurs; for example, if a socket is broken before the parser finishes reading the document from the network.

Besides the usual exception methods such as getMessage( ) and printStackTrace( ) that SAXException inherits from or overrides in its superclasses, SAXException adds a getException( ) method to return the nested exception that caused the SAXException to be thrown in the first place.

package org.xml.sax;
public class SAXException extends Exception {
    public SAXException(String message);
    public SAXException(Exception ex);
    public SAXException(String message, Exception ex);
    public String    getMessage(  );
    public Exception getException(  );
    public String    toString(  );

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